วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Tedco 4D Vision Triceratops Anatomy Model | 4D2you

Tedco 4D Vision Triceratops Anatomy Model | 4D2you

Product Description

Build this 42-piece Triceratops dinosaur starting with the internal organs and finishing with a transparent cover that lets you see your work. This model is anatomically accurate and highly detailed. The design was overseen by an international expert on vertebrate paleontology. Includes a display platform and illustrated booklet. Ages 8+

Product Features
13 long 4D Triceratops model contains 42 detachable organs and body parts
Remove the dinosaur's bones and organs and replace them as you learn the physical anatomy of the Triceratops
Comes with display platform
Also includes Illustrated assembly guide and description of the anatomy along with some fun Q and A to test your knowledge
Fine detailed sculpting with hand painted parts

